tringa totanus การใช้
- The "'common redshank "'( " Tringa totanus " ) is a Eurasian wader in the large migratory species feeds predominantly on invertebrates.
- The bird species include : common pheasant Phasianus colchicus, common quail Coturnix coturnix, shore lark Eremophila alpestris, redshank Tringa totanus, stone curlew Burhinus oedicnemus, moustached warbler Acrocephalus melanopogon, golden eagle Aquila chrysaetos and short-toed snake eagle Circaetus gallicus.
- The most important breeding birds are Mediterranean gull ( " Larus melanocephalus " ), which is the only breeding site in Slovakia, and common redshank ( " Tringa totanus " ), for which it is the only breeding site in West Slovakia.
- However much of her early ornithological work occurred while she was based in Swordale, in Ross and Cromarty, and along the firths of specimens of the yellow-browed warbler and was the first ornithologist to demonstrate that the Icelandic race of the common redshank ( " Tringa totanus robusta " ) visits Britain.
- There are also many species of shorebirds, such as the wood sandpiper ( Tringa glareola ), the common redshank ( Tringa totanus ), the dunlin ( Calidris alpina ), purple sandpiper ( Calidris maritima ), the common sandpiper ( Actitis hypoleucos ), the common snipe ( Gallinago gallinago ), the ruff ( Philomachus pugnax ) and the Whimbrel ( Numenius phaeopus ).